South Poinsettia Park Neighborhood Association is not an HOA – we are a social welfare non-profit 501(c)(4) organization that promotes our community’s general welfare. Funding for the South Poinsettia Park Neighborhood Association is collected solely from the donations of residents, local businesses and City of Sarasota grants. These funds are used to benefit the residents of our neighborhood.

*Your generous donations fully support South Poinsettia Park Neighborhood Association activities, efforts and events and are not tax deductible.


Our Treasurer keeps a tight handle on our reserves, but there are on-going expenses associated with memberships and activities that benefit our residents and businesses, including, but not limited to the following :


Cost for neighborhood mailings and printing costs for signs and invitations for fundraising drives, social events and project updates, etc.


   Events & Forums

Costs associated with hosting social events and community forums for residents so we may facilitate communication and interaction among neighbors.



Cost of developing and maintaining a website as a communication vehicle to keep all residents apprised on an ongoing basis and additionally as a source of funding through business sponsorships.

   Association Fees & Insurance

Annual filing and membership fees for our P.O.Box, SunBiz, Coalition of City Neighborhood Associations (CCNA), Liability and special event insurance



Costs associated with securing locations for meetings, training sessions, educational and informational  sessions and to conduct business meetings with City Commissioners to achieve success in our neighborhood projects.


   Beautification Projects

Costs that arise to close the gap between funding provided through grants and the necessary overall cost.




Centennial Celebration Historic Home Tour

Enjoy the history and charm of South Poinsettia Park with a peek into the past.

Guided tours by docents from Sarasota Alliance for Historic Preservation of private homes

built in 1925-1926 located between Bougainvillea Street and Datura Street.


March 2, 2025
11:00 am to 3:00 pm